

widespread pain caused by fibromyalgiaFibromyalgia is the name given to the syndrome which is characterised by widespread pain and stiffness. The pain can occur all over the body, or in fixed locations. The stiffness is often through the back and neck, which other joints and muscles being affected as time goes on.

Its cause is unknown in Western Medicine, and they have no cure or treatment other than pain medication. They believe you have it for life.  Being very hard to diagnose, it is often given as a last resort when no other illness can be found. This is often what I see in many patients with Fibromyalgia, they are told to find a way to live with it.

There are usually other problems associated with this condition, including lethargy and sleeping problems.

Another Explanation for Fibromyalgia

From an Acupuncture viewpoint, Fibromyalgia is caused by blockages occurring through the superficial meridian system of the body.  As these blockages occur in the muscle tissue, they cause localised pain which can move and change on a daily basis.  This is not something that develops over night.

Fibromyalgia is a result of a long term illness or strain on the body which has pushed it to break point. I regularly see patients develop it after prolonged stressful periods, either from a high workload, or chronic illness which they never fully recover from.

The associated symptoms, such as sleep or digestive issues, help me find the root cause for you developing Fibromyalgia. Often it is a combination of what we call dampness and deficiency, which leads to the meridian pathways becoming blocked. This means they cannot provide nourishment to the muscle tissue, which results in a feeling of heaviness, stiffness and pain.

How I Treat Fibromyalgia with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is well known natural form of pain relief.  My general approach is to target the most painful areas to provide you with some short term pain relief.  Then I begin adding points to try and treat the root cause.  This approach not only extends the pain relief, but also helps improve your long term health and outcome.  Make no mistake, this is a very difficult condition to treat, and often cannot be fully resolved. The goal though is to improve your quality of life. Conditions like these are wake up calls that your health has taken a turn. This means you need to reassess your lifestyle and improve things for the future.

You can still have a long and happy life even with a condition like Fibromyalgia. Maintaining the condition is key, and this is where I’ve found Acupuncture to be very useful.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row color_set=”secondary_section” align=”text-center” full_width=”0″ full_height=”0″ cols_valign=”vcenter” cols_padding=”no_cols_padding” transparent_overlay=”transparent_film” background=”bgimage” bgimage=”3798″ parallax=”1″][vc_column align=”text-center”][plethora_headinggroup subtitle=”Book your Acupuncture Consultation with Dr. Steven Today”]

“It is not just about treating illness, it is about prevention and protection of your health, which is your most precious commodity.”

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