
Fertility and bones, proving the ancient link

In Chinese medicine, the Kidneys play a large role in fertility. They store our Jing (Essence), which we use to create life.  In men the essence is transferred in the sperm and in women the egg.  One of the primary causes of infertility is a decline in the strength of our Kidney energy, which can result from many factors such as poor lifestyle or chronic illness.  The Kidney Essence also plays a pivotal role in our development and growth, which is why the tissue that relates to them is Bone and the essence is also reflected in bone marrow.  A recent study into male fertility has shown that the hormone osteocalcin (released from the bone) boosts testosterone which supports the survival of the sperm, hence improving fertility.  Though this study deliberately ignores female fertility, it is possible this hormone may play a role in female fertility also.  Slowly slowly modern science is providing further evidence to support age old chinese medicine theories…

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